Monday, February 26, 2007

Can the Internet Help Erase the Global Divide?

The Internet has the potential to be a powerful tool in helping to erase not only the global digital divide, but also the so-called North-South divide that sets apart the wealthy nations from the impoverished. Nations that are left behind in the dust of technology are essentially being left behind altogether. This is because of the overall increasing reliance on technology that countries all over the world are experiencing. For those of you who say that technology doesn't play a big role or doesn't matter at all when it comes to a nation's prosperity, consider this following example.

Country A is a place that utilizes the power of computers, the Internet, advanced weapons systems, and where each individual has the opportunity to learn about or make better virtually anything they please. Country B does not have the capability to use computers or the Internet. Which country do you think is going to be more prosperous in today's time? Clearly, Country A will be the stronger of the two. The fact of the matter is, the Internet does have the potential to erase this divide or at least make the problem better because conditions will get better as more individuals and companies take the initiative (like a farmer researching online how to make his growing process more efficient or Intel pledging to connect 1 billion more people to the Internet). The Internet provides a way to transcend the troubles of life in third world countries and enables the user to connect with people and information all over the world (as long as it's not censored by the government). It will not yield immediate results; it will be a gradual shift towards prosperity. The problem is providing these people with Internet access. It will be difficult, but it is certainly not impossible.

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